“He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.”

Orion IP was formed on the basis of positioning ourselves as your partner in meeting your Intellectual Property (IP) related needs.
We firmly believe that open communication with our clients is required in order to achieve this.
By listening intently to your concerns, we will assist you in identifying your Intellectual Property and what you wish to achieve from your Intellectual Property.
Our Mission
We want to
help you protect your intellectual property.
We want to
provide you with sensible solutions to your IP issues.
We want to
help you manage your intellectual property rights.
We want to
be your IP partner.
We want to
help you understand IP.

Why Choose Orion IP
At Orion IP, we prioritize your needs above all else.
That is our commitment to you.